Various WP media stuff

Galleries were displaying very slowly because WordPress had lost the ability to generate thumbnails. This was evident when going to Tools -> Regenerate Thumbnails. I was missing the php-imagick package. Installed and then run regenerate on all thumbnails. It would be good to also modify the operation of the inbuilt WordPress gallery so that…

Tidying travel blog

Tidied up posts up to and including 29th February. Have manually rotated all images in Windows. Need to check dates of posts and then upload photos. The challenge is that all the photos are GMT. My automated gallery will set media date based on EXIF. Can then update media to align with date and time… video test

Video test Requires img tag to include class=”iframe” Range input test (for mobile) Basic HTML5 video test (for mobile) Your browser does not support HTML5 video. test

Native WordPress gallery test 1 Native WordPress gallery test 2 Test using code directly Putting gallery shortcode inside the galleria div doesn’t work. Probably to do with when the shortcodes are processed. See: Galleria in WordPress Also see: Beginner’s guide And: options options: thumbnails: true|false|”empty”|”numbers”|”lazy” responsive: true|false carousel: true|false height: in pixels (e.g.…

Home Assisstant

Use docker compose sudo apt-install docker docker-compose sudo mkdir /opt/home-assistant /opt/home-assistant/config sudo touch /opt/home-assistant/docker-compose.yml As the Docker command becomes more complex, switching to docker-compose can be preferable and support automatically restarting on failure or system restart. Add to the docker-compose.yml file: version: ‘3’ services: homeassistant: container_name: home-assistant image: homeassistant/home-assistant:stable volumes: – /opt/home-assistant/config environment: -…

Volumio update mpd

See: Check time is correct date Sun May 21 11:52:49 UTC 2017 Set the correct timezone if necessary sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata After reboot check date date Sun May 21 11:52:49 UTC 2017 Check current version of MPD mpd -V | more Music Player Daemon 0.xx.x … Make a temp dir in ~/temp cd ~…

DiningPi raspbian librespot

# Dec 2017 # Now using Volumio and the Spotify plugin for Volumio 2 # Volumio has a Spotify plugin builtin. # A version of the plugin is here: # The original plugin (not using librespot?) is here: # 16/05/2017 this method works!!! # Download latest raspbian and write to SD card using…

DiningPi dietpi librespot

# # # # Install dietpi # Set up WiFi in dietpi.txt # Set hostname to DiningPi # Add to config.txt: # Enable HiFiBerry DAC+ dtoverlay=hifiberry-dacplus # Disable Bluetooth (seems to improve WiFi performance) dtoverlay=pi3-disable-bt-overlay # SSH username root, password dietpi # Wait for dietpi to do its thing and log back…

server general

letsencrypt renewal fails when run from root crontab, needs the following: sudo crontab -e 29 3,15 * * * export PATH=$PATH:/usr/sbin && letsencrypt renew Fix for Ubuntu version of x11vnc (0.19.13) stack smashing all the time: Make sure source code is selected in sources in Synaptic, then exit Synaptic cd ~ git clone sudo…


Use the code here: On the Ubuntu server: sudo apt-get install python-pip libapache2-mod-wsgi git-core python-levenshtein sudo pip install requests yaep pytz pycountry fuzzywuzzy cd /var/www/html/ git clone sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf …and add the following line to towards the bottom of the file: WSGIScriptAlias /kodi-alexa /var/www/html/kodi-alexa/ cp .env.wsgi .env nano .env …and add IP…